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The New Challenge
by RocketG

Chapter 1: Better and Stronger

Note: This story has all REAL Pokemon in it so don't go saying, "Oh, that guy has good imagination." These are new Pokemon in the Gold an Silver Version. Oh and one more thing. Some of the towns and characters are made up.(To make the story more interesting).

One day in the town of Larnisku, a boy named Gregg had just heard on T.V. that brand new Pokemon are being discovered everywhere and that they were super powerful. Since he had caught 151 Pokemon, he decided to
go try catching some.

"Great! Now I actually can see some other new Pokemon." Gregg said. Gregg started racing downstairs to get his backpack, Pokegear, and coat.

"And where do you think you're going?" said Gregg's mom. She knew Gregg had caught what was to be believed all Pokemon.

"Mom! It's unbelievable! They found new Pokemon!" Gregg said panting from the excitement and the very fast run.

"I just have to catch one!" His mom looked at him skeptically.

"You want me to believe that there are brand new Pokemon that you have to capture,? I don't think so!"

"But why not mom!?" Gregg said.

"Why not?! Why not?!! Well for one, last time you said that someone in Larnisku town had pictures of Mew that you wanted to see so I let you but it turned out you went to a convention about Pokemon and spent most of your savings account on so called "new Pokemon"!"

"Well ummm.... Mom! You know that was.... well you know! But this time it is real!" Gregg pleaded.

"Well..... Okay. You can go. Just don't spend to much money, accually don't spend any! Just go look for them by the river, since you like water Pokemon as your second favorite type."

"Thanks Mom!" Gregg said and flew out the door.
While he was on his way there he met his so called friend Jake also heading down to the river.

"So, what are you doing here?" Jake asked snobishly.

"Going to find a new Pokemon down by the river. What's it to you?" Gregg replied.

"Oh, nothing except to see the wimpish place that you're going so I won't go there to catch those new Pokemon. Ha Ha Ha!" Jake said and with that took off for the volcano.

"That Jake. Always thinking he's better than the rest."

Gregg thought. He than continued toward the river. Larnisku town was relatively small but was known for it's rare Pokemon near there.

"It's quite strange with all the trips that the same people take each year to come here. Why don't they just move
here?" Gregg wondered.

When he finally reached the river side, to his surprise no one was down there. Normally if a new Pokemon is discovered people come here first. Suddenly a new Pokemon darted out of the bushes. Gregg opened his newly updated Pokedex.

"Hinoarashi. The torch back Pokemon. This Pokemon was thought to be a descendant of Bulbasaur since the flame has been thought to be a burning Bulbasaur sprout." his Pokedex said.

"This is strange. I thought fire Pokemon would be near the Volcano. Okay, to catch this is going to be a since. Water have the advantage. Go! Cloyster!" Gregg said.

"Cloyster, Surf attack now!" The Cloyster started making a big pool of water in the sand. It then hopped in the water and blew a gust of water at it.

"Hino, Hinorashiiiii!" said Hinorashi. A bomb flew out from the flame and hit the incoming water.

Voooooshhh! The water evaporated.

"Whoa! I've never saw that attack before. Cloyster, use the clamp attack but watch out for the
flame!" said Gregg.

"Cloyst, Cloy!" Cloyster went up with it's shell and clamped onto it.

"Go Pokeball!" yelled Gregg. The Hinoarashi went in and the Pokeball started wiggling. It stopped.

"Yes! I caught a Hinoarashi! Good job to you too Cloyster! But for now, Cloyster return." Gregg said.

He decided that one was enough for now, because if he was gone to long, his mom would probably start to think that he went some were else again. If he did, his mom would never let him go catch new Pokemon again...or come to think about it, any Pokemon for that matter!

On his way home from his splendid catch, he ran into Jake again.

"Yo, Gregg! Did ya find any new Pokemon?" Jake said in a bragging way.

"Yeah! It is this awesome Hinoarashi. But the strange part was no one else was down by the river."

"Well Gregg, I have a comment for both answers. 1: I caught a Chikorita, a grass Pokemon. Even though it has a weakness to fire, I would still beat you hands down! 2: No one is at the river because, the lava from the Volcano was thought to be going into the Yamukaire river, driving all water Pokemon away from the spot that is best to catch water Pokemon. That also explains why you could find a fire Pokemon from the river. It must of came with some of the lava that went into the river.

"But enough talk. Let's battle!"Jake said.

"Okay with me!" Gregg said.

Chapter: 2 Battle Bust

    "Ha! I'll "whip" you out real quick!" said Jake. Jake then sent out a Bulbasur. Gregg noticed that this Bulbasaur didn't look to much like one. It looked kinda different.
    "Go, Hinoarashi!" Gregg yelled.
     "Hinoarashi, Lit attack now!"
Suddenly the flame on Hinoarashi's back got bigger. It then started stretching across the ground and hit Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur then suddenly transformed right before the flame hit him.
    "Ditto! Ditt!" said the Bulba... er I mean, Ditto. Fooooshhh!
The Ditto still fainted none the less.
     "Yes!Victory for me!" Gregg yelled.
    "Darn! I should have said more than one on one battle!",said Jake.
Jake then ran away very quickly."
    "Hinoarashi, return!" said Gregg.
Gregg then thought, maybe more new Pokemon could be so strong. Maybe even stronger. " He then started home again.
By that time it was getting cloudy out. Normally Gregg didn't think much of a storm, but this one to him seemed... strange. But when Gregg reached home he knew something was weird.
    "Oh, Gregg! Bad news. It was just reported on T.V.
........ Oh, I don't know what to do....," said Gregg's mom.
Her face looked really sad.... and worried.
"They said that Gyrados were coming down river. Jaskin, Purjan, and Warin were all almost totally demolished by Dragon Rage. They say we're next."
    "That's horrible! What are we going to do?!     Gyarados never come by here!?" Gregg said horrified.
    "Lets get moving," his mom said.
She then started packing up everything.
     "We have to be
ready..... Oh my gosh!, I see them!! Let's hurry to the basement!"
She then started running, bringing as much stuff as she could carry.
     "Hurry Gregg! We can't waste time. You bring the clothes."
    "Yea mom!" Gregg said. His heart was racing. People said that Gyrados' Dragon Rage could change a sunny day to a horrible storm.
He then saw they were basically right outside. He ran as fast as he could. He then tripped on a shirt and crashed!!!
    "Gregg!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Yelled Gregg's mom.
All of a sudden everything went white for Gregg. Gregg was standing by a Mewtwo.
    It said, "Gregg. I have seen you are quite strong."
"What did you do with my mom!?" Gregg said with tears coming to his eyes.
    "I have done nothing.
She is fine. You must be the one for not but to you are the opposite." Mewtwo said.
It then vanished.
Gregg then felt himself falling.
And falling.
And falling. And (No not falling) went THUD!
Gregg looked around. He could see he was not in Larnisku Town anymore. He was on a desolate desert island. He noticed that he had only one Pokemon, Cloyster, and his Pokedex said that was the only Pokemon he has ever had.
    "Whoaaaa...." Gregg said woozily and then collapsed.

Chapter 3: Island of Desolation

 "Where am I?" Gregg said.  He felt very dizzy with his accidental encounter with Gyarados.
He was on a sunny island with one difference, it seemed to be floating.  All he could remember was before
he came to see the announcement about new Pokemon, he said he was tired and took a rest.
 "This is no good.  Didn't bring any flying... oh wait, it says I didn't have any." Gregg muttered.  He remembered a legend about a floating island and Lugia, or something like that.  More things were going across
his mind.  What were Gyarados doing in a river?  Also, he thought Mewtwo was gone after an explosion in the middle of the ocean.
 "That does it!  I'm leaving this dump, er... if I could."  Gregg moaned.  He would never be able to go
see new Pokemon.
 "I wish, I wish that none of this would have ever happened!  This is all like one giant, NIGHTMARE!"
Gregg screamed. "I hope you meant that well." said a voice.
 "Huh!?  Who's there!  I already wish I was outta here!" Gregg said.
 "I will send you back to a place you are from now.  Be ready for this though for it is, your, future..." said the voice.  "Gregg!  Gregg!  Wake up!" a boy was saying.
 "You were tossing and turning man!  Glad you're back with me here." said Nick. Gregg looked around.  He was in his room.  "It was all a dream!" Gregg thought.
 "Happy Birthday!  Today you're 12!" Nick said excitedly.  "Woah!  My birthday!  Already?!" Gregg said.
"Yeah!  I'm surprised you didn't remember.  You get to be a Pokemon Trainer today!" Nick said.
 "What about Cloyster, and the others,... that is, my 151 Pokemon!?" Gregg protested.  "Oh boy!  You WERE sure dreaming." Nick exclaimed.
 Gregg then got dressed and went down to see his mom.  He thought that he had Cloyster, but it tuned out he didn't.  He didn't even have a Pokedex!  Maybe for his first Pokemon would be Cloyster.  Nick his brother, had got a Rattata.  It was a Raticate by now though.
Or he could get Charmander.  Nah, only super rich people got a rare Pokemon like him to start with.  When he got downstairs he saw a circular shaped present for him.  His mom was standing by it.
 "Oh honey!  I'm so proud of you!  I can't believe you're becoming a Pokemon trainer.  It doesn't seem
so long ago when you could hardly walk!" his mom said cheerfully.
 "Mom!" Gregg said.  He always got embarrassed when his mom did things like that.  "Here's your Pokegear and backpack full of stuff for your journey.  Now open this present." his mom said.
 Gregg tore the package open quickly.  Obviously it was a Pokeball.  "Go on.  Throw it!" his mom said.
"Okay!  Here goes nothing!  Pokeball, Go!" Gregg yelled.  Out popped a Shellder.
 "Shellder!  Shellllll!" it squealed.  "Thanks mom, I er.. always wanted one." Gregg said disappointed.
"Sorry dear.  I know your favorite is Cloyster but it was to expensive and it would be a better challenge with
a weaker Pokemon." she chimed in happily.  "Yea!  REAL weak." Nick said.
 "Be quiet!  Anyway Gregg you'll get another Pokemon from your father and your Pokedex.  After all
he is one of the most well known Pokemon Professors." she said.
 "Thanks mom!  I'll be heading over to Dad's work to pick up a Pokemon and Pokedex.  Then I'll be
heading off." said Gregg.  "Okay.  Goodbye son!" his mom said with tears coming to her eyes.
 "Don't worry mom!  I'll call you often.  Well goodbye!" Gregg said.  And with that, headed off to see his
 His dad was well, um... busy!  He almost never got to see him but he knew he would remember his
birthday.  When he got in Larnisku Labs a guard said, "Right this way!  Your father was expecting you."
After a brisk walk, he was in his fathers lab.
 "Oh, hi da..." Gregg was interrupted by a projection.
 "Hi son!  Sorry I can't be here but we are in a meeting about new Pokemon.  Exciting, huh?  Well anyway I left your Pokedex on the counter and your Pokemon, on the table.  Its of your two favorite types,
Water and Psychic.  I hope you like it!  Well gotta run!  Sometime after I'm back at the lab an you're on your
journey, call me!  Bye!"  The projection then vanished.
 Gregg went to get the Pokedex, and after a few minutes of personalizing his Pokedex, he was ready to
see his Pokemon.  He picked up the Pokeball and threw it.  A Slowpoke popped out.
 "Sllllllooooooowwwwwwpooookkkke" it yawned.  "Man, talk about weird!  Let's see what the Pokedex has to say." Gregg muttered.
 "Slowpoke.  The dopey Pokemon.  This Pokemon has been thought to have little or no brain.  It's only
attacks that have been thought to be known to it if any, are like headbutt and confusion." his Pokedex said.
 "Great!  I get a Shellder and a Slowpoke.  One can't barley attack and one doesn't have a brain to do
an attack!" Gregg said sarcastically.
 "Oh well, better get a move on.  Man this is weird.  But it's better than that dream.  I wonder if there
are new Pokemon discovered like Hinoarashi.  I just can't talk.  I have to hurry to get all 23 badges." Gregg said
as he walked out the door of the labs.

Coming soon... The Tunnel of Terror....


Pikachu's Summer Vacation
Mewtwo Strikes Back
Pikachu Tankentai
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Pikachu and Pichu
Lord of the Unknown Tower

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